jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenges

Hi everyone! In this opportunity I’m going to write about what means for me includes English in my academic curriculum from my university career.

When I started studying English at the university, I was a little scared but also with the hope of learn the language because I think it’s necessary for a career like journalism where a lot of information sources could be in English.

Considering that journalism is a communicational career, I think that write blogs every week it’s a great exercise, because involve a continuous control of the writing improvement.
I think that in the blog activity we are evaluated from the learning process and that doesn’t happen at the final test of every level, because that test only show results.

I also think that include English at the subjects of my academic curriculum it’s really necessary, but for that reason it’s important to give more importance in the number of courses and the available equipment.

Finally, I think that the differences that are generated in the English learning during the university phase, are caused because of the biggest differences that actually exist in the entire scholar education in Chile.

I would like that this gap finally it will come to an end in all the subjects, but especially at the English teaching, because I think that learn become really difficult in an adult age and I have understood that the childhood is the best stage to learn languages.

I hope that English education gets better also at the university to give an opportunity for those who didn’t have the chance as children to have a chance as an adults.

martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

My experience with english at the university.

Hello classmates and teacher, today I’m going to talk about my experience learning English at the university.

Since I was studying at school I had problems with English and for that reason, at the university I had to do all the levels of the language.  

I think there are many things to upgrade, especially at the first levels. The first and the second one English levels could count with exercises that could help us to practice the language out of classes

Also I think that for upgrade the way of teaching English at my university it should exist a special classroom conditioned for the English learning process. Besides we could receive Cds and that kind of material to improve the auditory understanding of the language.

In my English class, I still have the problems that I used to have a long time ago. But I think that the new modality of the level four, where I have to record videos from my house, it’s a little bit more comfortable for me.

The opportunity of don’t speak in public, makes me control a little bit better my tensions, even when it’s not that easy for me to speak in English.

I think that in my case, I should take an English class in the future to try to learn again the language from the beginning, because I think that I didn’t learn enough at the university.

That’s why I would like that my classmates could have better conditions to learn language, especially the people like me that used to have problems with English since they were at school.

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

My view on journalism

At the moment of decide what I will study, I never really think about the importance of journalism or about the role that I could have as a communication professional. The only thing that think at the moment was that my qualities were in order to the career and that there I will find topics of my interest like politics, language, history, etc.

Today my situation is so different, I don’t see the journalism from his description anymore in order of the qualities, technics or knowledge space only. Actually and after four years of career, I learn that the journalism it’s not only learn a technic or convert in a well writing and talking person or also have skills to express yourself. The journalism is the formative base of people that at the moment of writing and talking it has to have conscience of what they communicate goes to other people and the understanding of the message it’s not a personal victory, it’s in group.

I saw this collective dimension disappear a lot of times in the traditional media that look for get audience not for give messages, but for get line and lead on the television reading. In my opinion the good journalist always think in the givens of the message like a way of give conscience to the people to make the social reality better.

At the moment of think about my future as a journalist, I would like to find medias worried about the people more than the economics results about their business. And even I know that this is out of my hands, I think that always I can contribute writing and speaking with a social purpose, giving messages with content and about topics with social interest.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

My academic future

Hi teacher and classmates, today I’m going to write about how I would like to continue my studies after graduate me as a journalist from the Universidad de Chile.
I would like a lot perfect me in the art and cultural area, but also the political studies are important for me and a pending task since my short stay at the career of public administration.

When I started my university studies I did it at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, at the public administration career like I say before, because in that moment I thought that the career had a bigger relation with the politics with what I could experience while I was studying. Then I decided to apply for journalism my actual career because i think that journalism could have that close relation with politics if you have a master or doctorate that give you the specific knowledge.

To connect communication with politics, I would like to do the politic communication master in my actual university.   Even when I know that the ideal would be to know another university and diversify my knowledge, the truth is that the Universidad de Chile have a quality seal guaranteed that makes me know that I’m going to learn what I want.

Also I think that the first complementary studies of my profession has to be in the physical place because even when the technology had been increased a lot, I think that the learning process in the classrooms always is better quality and in the case of this university it has to be at the classroom the way to lean this master.

Another advantage of study the master in political communication at the Universidad de Chile is that after of finish it I could get a studentship to realize doctorate in Spain, because a lot of ex-students of this postgraduate had been benefited with the “Becas Chile” program to perfectionate  in international universities.

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

My dream job

When I was little around eight years old my dream was become a police woman, I think it’s because the school where I studied was close from a police station so the cops came in and out all day. Also they visited us and gave speeches about their work. I think it’s funny because today that’s one of the jobs that I hate the most.

Actually I would like to have a job that let me develop my mind and my intellectual skills, but also be related with people. I think study journalism can really help me to get a job with that characteristics that blend field job visiting and reporting in different places from the city and the data analysis.

Really my dream job it’s not as a journalist reporting at the streets all my life, I think that is a stage that I have to try but my real skills are closer to the reflections and analysis, that’s why I’m closer to an inside job. I think an ideal job would be writing opinion columns or subjecting to analysis relevant topics more than working with day-to-day news. This preference it’s not because of the salary, even when I want to get enough money to take care of myself, the money it’s not that important for me as being doing what I think I do good.

Anyway I have another interests related to the art and Latin-American culture, that could get together merging culture and journalism,  also make in me travel to know Latinoamérica.  That would be the job of my dreams, getting the art importance, analyzing it and communicating trough the journalism. For that I would like to take more courses related with image and culture industry to prepare myself in a better way in that topic.

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017


Hi classmates and teacher.

In this opportunity I would like to talk about a music event that it's perfect to enjoy good music and also remember episodes of the national history.

Three years ago I went to the "cantata rock" in the SCD Vespucio room, in that concert two big Chilean band played: Quilapayún and Chancho en Piedra. Quilapayún it’s a characteristic band from the 60's and it's more related with the folklore, instead "Chancho en Piedra" that born in the 90's and represents the national rock.

Those bands are mixed to play a new version of the "La Cantata Santa Maria de Iquique", one piece of the Chilean folklore that remembers the murder of workers in the north of the country during 1907. The Cantata was intervened for "Chancho en Piedra" with typical rock instruments like electronic instruments and drums.

The room SCD have space for less than 100 people and this make possible a bigger proximity sensation with the show and solemnity with the historic moment that remember. For me was one of the best music experiences that I ever had, because wasn't only about listen nice music, it was also about receive a social message and remember a story that it's unknown for a lot of people.

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

My holidays

Hi classmates and teacher I didn't write in a long time, and this time I'm going to speak about my holidays.

My family and I always wait anxious the summer vacations, because we can have fun and free time to be together and travel. Since too many years every summer we go all together to the beach. When I was little we used to go camping to San Antonio and we stay in a cabin. 

In those years we had to rent two cabins to slept, because we are a big family, my mother, my two sisters, my brother and I. Also, we needed space to receive my father during the weekends, because he had to stay in Santiago for work from Monday to Friday.

I remember with love every year that I went to that camp center becuase there, we met with another relatives, like uncles, cousins, or my parents's friends. 

Sometimes I miss those years but even when it was a long time ago, the beach trips are still in my family as a tradition. Since two years ago we go to Isla Negra on vacations, because my sister have a summer house there.

Isla Negra it’s a really quiet beach and during the day we go to the Pablo Neruda's museum, we have lunch in some of the restaurants at the beach shore and we have some shopping in the crafts or just stay at the beach in the afternoon.

My sister's house it's so comfortable for everyone because it has five rooms and around ten beds. We can be all together in the same house and not in differents cabins like how it was before, even when we are a lot of people, I have three little nephews and now also my father pass all the season with us because he doesn't have his old job.

Regrettably this year I can't go with them on vacations, because I have to realize my professional practice in journalism for three month. This makes me really sad because I can't be with my nephews, my sisters and all of my cousins that one year ago also bought a house in Isla Negra so close to my sister's house and they used to go every day at night. Even if I can’t stay with them all the season like I want, I hope I can go and visit them for the weekends like my dad used to do it when we were children.

martes, 3 de enero de 2017

An unforgettable day

The day I think I’m going to remember my entire life it’s when  my nephew  Agustín was born. A Tuesday 5th of june in 2012, at 5 a.m. , we started to waking up to take my sister to her programmed childbirth. She was so nervious, I share room with her until that moment and I remember that was so dificult for her to get asleep the previous night.

Even all the fears that my sister, me and my mom has, I remember that we were so happy because that day we were going to see our baby that we were waiting for nine month.

The moment when my sister get in to surgery close to 6:30 in the morning the time was an eternity until the born of my nephew at 12 of that day. In that moment, when we were at the waiting room, a Little crib went out and gave me the most beautiful moment in my life.

 When I saw my nephew in the crib with the nurses, I start recording the momento but I did it horrible because I only can saw him and I forgot the camera.

While I saw him I start crying for the emotion of saw his eyes. That day I thought I saw the most beautiful human in the entire world, even when I see the pictures now and wasn’t really like that. After all of this, I discover that the objectivity doesn’t exists and the love make you see and feel things that go aways from the evident.

I’m still in love with this boy and definitely since that day my like change for ever. What I felt in that moment, make me more sensitive, because I knew that I’m capable of love like I never felt I can before.