miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017


Hi classmates and teacher.

In this opportunity I would like to talk about a music event that it's perfect to enjoy good music and also remember episodes of the national history.

Three years ago I went to the "cantata rock" in the SCD Vespucio room, in that concert two big Chilean band played: Quilapayún and Chancho en Piedra. Quilapayún it’s a characteristic band from the 60's and it's more related with the folklore, instead "Chancho en Piedra" that born in the 90's and represents the national rock.

Those bands are mixed to play a new version of the "La Cantata Santa Maria de Iquique", one piece of the Chilean folklore that remembers the murder of workers in the north of the country during 1907. The Cantata was intervened for "Chancho en Piedra" with typical rock instruments like electronic instruments and drums.

The room SCD have space for less than 100 people and this make possible a bigger proximity sensation with the show and solemnity with the historic moment that remember. For me was one of the best music experiences that I ever had, because wasn't only about listen nice music, it was also about receive a social message and remember a story that it's unknown for a lot of people.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow! I would have loved to attend the "Cantata Rock", an excellent concert with national musicians that I like a lot. If once again the concert is repeated, I will definitely attend.
