miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016


At the begining of this  university year one of the subjects that scares me was radio, because even when I study journalism, in the two first years of the career we didn't use the voice so much because we just write news.

At the beggining one of my biggest fears was my voice because is too deep and I speak fast so I think that on radio people isn't going to understand what I said on air.

However when classes start with teacher Elizabeth Bustos I calmed down becuase she said that we are going to work the voice and the speaking way with the entire class, and we did it.

On first semester we did recorded news in a studio and then we start going on air doing live programs on teams about different topics like culture, sport or economy. We end the semester doing live contact by phone with differents politic events or meetings to talk about what happen there.

The class continued on second semester and no doubt it was the subject that I like the most on the career

This time we continued doing programs but now with free topics and worried about of the music, technic work and selection of what are we going to talk about. We work on teams of 8 or 9 persons, dividing roles like conduction , reporters and production.

The results of this way of work left me conformable because we have very good qualifications and also because I feel that I learned how to work on radi, something that at the beggining makes me get so scare but now I hope I can realize in a profesional way on the future.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


One of the persons that I admire the most is Norka Cano a peruvian teacher that make spanish lessons in my school.

When I met her, she was an old woman and I only have two years of classes with her, because she retire after.

For those two years, were so important, because with her different ways to teach she makes me like writing.

She write poetry, have a full time job in a school and also used to do community work with peruvian people.

Also she makes me like to read and have a social conscience and for that reason I decided to study journalism after a long conversation when she wasn't my teacher anymore.

For that besides admire her, I love her and always say thank you for the after decisions that I take.

In some moment in her life she wanted to study journalism, but for stability and vocation she decided to be a teacher. Even of that she has the hability of motivate me of study journalism even when I used to be afraid of it.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016


Its too dificult for me to chose my favorite band, because I always pay atention in to the musical genres more than the singers.

Anyway, I always liked the funk and andean music, so I believe there are two bands that I could chose as favorites: 

Quilapayun and on the other side a very different one, Chancho en Piedra.

Even when those two bands are so differents, they were merged and created a new band named Colectivo cantata rock. That was based in "La cantata de santa maría de Iquique" a past work of quilapayún but with the colaboration of chancho en piedra's members that make a new and fresh sound with new instruments and that make the song alive again

The album that they release together named Cantata rock is my favorite.

First because mix rock and andean beats.

Then because deal with an important historic moment in a social way, like the killing in 1907 in the Santa María school in Iquique.

From this album, my favorite song is "vamos mujer" that show the hope of the families of the workers that were murdered in Iquique, only for demand their laboral rights.